- Transgender service members have been around since the Civil War
- 18 Allied Nations have allowed open service since the 1970s and have streamlined policies for care and service
- Transgender service members have been, and continue to be, deployed worldwide in critical roles to include combat arms, pilots, medics, and air defense
- Eight years of open service have confirmed that authentic service from transgender service members increases performance, leadership ability, and the overall readiness and lethality of the force
What can I do?
- Leaders and Commanders
- Fight for your people
- Advocate for them
- Work with them
- Ensure they get what they need through these times
- Avoid task saturation
- Learn about resources available
- Facilitate care to utmost extent possible
- Tailor care to the unique situation of each patient
- Keep prescriptions current for each patient
- Medical Providers
- Facilitate care to utmost extent possible
- Tailor care to the unique situation of each patient
- Keep prescriptions current for each patient
- Families and Veterans
- Loop in with community
- Provide support and help facilitate a “soft landing” for your loved one
- Transgender Service Members
- Hold onto hope
- Find little things throughout the day that boost your mood
- Unplug from the fight from time to time
- Take time to read a book, go for a hike, play a video game, meditate, etc
- Maintain your military bearing and professionalism
- Be the best you can be at your job and continue your mission
- Be irreplaceable!
- Do not burn bridges or take irreversible actions hastily
- Prepare yourself and your family logistically and financially
- Save money
- Lean on community for support
- Expect the worst, hope for the best, fight to bridge the gap